
Our pharmacists are happy to speak with you anytime about your prescriptions, but for more in-depth conversations, we also offer private consultation services. Secure, one-on-one virtual/online settings help you with your health goals, and we can create solutions to achieve optimal wellness.
What to expect in the consultation process:
- Complete medical questionnaire and symptom evaluation online
- Perform lab work if needed
- Schedule online
- A full hour of dedicated time with a pharmacist
- Call or log-in via video chat
- Discuss your health concerns and goals
- Develop your personalized Wellness Plan
- Review your consultation notes (provided)
- Implement your personalized Wellness Plan
- We’ll talk to your doctor about any prescription options.
- We’ll schedule a time to see how your Wellness Plan is going.
- If needed, shorter follow-up consultations are available
We can consult with you or a loved one on many health concerns including:
Female Hormone Balance
From hot flashes to mood swings and from low energy to weight gain, hormones impact many aspects of a woman’s life. Hormone balance is essential to a healthy, happy, productive lifestyle at any age.
Male Hormone Balance
Hormones regulate a man’s energy levels, sleep patterns, muscle strength, sexual desire and performance, weight, and general sense of well-being. Hormone balance is essential to a healthy, happy, productive lifestyle at any age.
Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is a compounded prescription medication. Due to the way this medication works at low doses, studies show it may be used for symptom relief in many autoimmune disorders, cancer, autism, depression, and more.
Stress, Anxiety, and Adrenal Function
In our stressful lives, the brain can trigger the stress-response too often or too much until it literally wears itself out. This can lead to many problems such as fatigue, poor sleep, and weight gain. It is important to assess the health of the adrenal system so that repairs can be made if necessary. Healthy adrenals are vital components of hormone balance. When our adrenals are functioning properly, we can reach optimal health.
Whole body wellness helps us thrive and live more fully. Medications and any over-the-counter vitamins and supplements you may take can impact your overall wellness both positively and negatively. Identifying, preventing, and resolving any problems with your current medication regimen is vital to your wellness journey. Additionally, assessing your medications to see if they may be depleting you of nutrients that affect whole body wellness is also vital. High-quality supplements can benefit your wellness greatly, but with so many combination products on the market, there is a strong possibility of duplicating vitamins, minerals, or nutrients. If a change in your current regimen is recommended we will work with your doctor to get this accomplished.
Important information before requesting your consultation:
Pricing & Fees
Consultation fees are based on our pharmacists' dedicated time and expertise. The initial full-length consultation is scheduled for a full hour. If follow-up consultations are warranted, they are typically shorter and cost less.
90-Minute Consultation = $300
45-Minute Follow-Up = $150
Hormone Testing
Saliva and blood-spot (finger-prick) tests are very helpful in assessing hormone balance. We highly recommend you complete these tests before your consultation so the results can be considered during our conversation. A DIY at-home test-kit can be obtained from the pharmacy or mailed at no cost. When scheduling your consultation, please allow at least 2 weeks for sample-collection, mailing, analysis, and delivery of results (women who are still having monthly cycles may need to allow more time). After requesting your consultation, our pharmacist will review your symptom evaluation and discuss which test-package is best for you; payment is made directly to the lab provider (ZRT Laboratory). Check out this page for commonly asked questions about ZRT Laboratory’s tests, insurance coverage, etc. Your consultation can proceed without test results, but a follow-up consultation will be needed to discuss test results.
Insurance Coverage
Unfortunately, most insurance plans do not reimburse for pharmacists’ consultation services.
Privacy & Security
Protecting and securing your medical information is of utmost importance to us. We utilize an online medical record program called Practice Better, which is similar to programs like MyChart your doctor might use. Practice Better is HIPAA-compliant and utilizes several forms of encryption to keep your information secure. You will receive more information about Practice Better once your consultation is booked.
How To Schedule
Getting started is easy! Simply click on the consultation type, answer the questions, and submit payment type. After requesting a consultation, you'll receive an email with confirmation and next steps. If you have questions, please email