Meet Our Team
Our team is eager to help you feel better so that you can live more fully. We are here to serve you to the best of our ability. We concentrate fully on being your best resource to achieve optimal health and wellness through the art of compounding, nutritional supplements, and patient education.
Dr. Scott Sumners, PharmD
Compounding Pharmacist/Owner
Lisa Stokes, RPh
Compounding Pharmacist
Martin Sunter, RPhT
Lead Technician
Shawn Stakes, BS
Nutrition Advisor
Rachael Vanvleet, RPhT
Compounding Technician
Amanda Dorado, RPhT
Compounding Technician
Shielsy Lundez, RPhT
Pharmacy Technician
Blakely Sumners, RPhT
Pharmacy Technician
Natural Health Advocate/Owner
Dr. Leigh Ann Greenberg, PharmD